Glorious 7-page Spring 2010 Newsletter Published
Lots of hard work and cooperation between our undergrad and alumni communication teams has produced our largest newsletter to date — a massive seven page issue with articles by: Undergrad President...
View Article52nd Grand Chapter Conclave: August 10-14, 2011, in Phoenix
The next Conclave is less than one year away, and you can start making plans to be a part of the ultimate SigEp experience. Go to the SigEp Conclave home to get your first glimpse of the amazing...
View ArticleFounding Father Dustin Levy Receives Moravian Young Alumni Award
As you may have heard, one of Moravian Sig Ep’s Founding Fathers, Dustin Levy 01’, was selected for one of the most prestigious awards bestowed on Moravian Alumni. Dustin was selected to receive the...
View Article11th Annual Leadership Banquet: RSVP Now!
Please join us for an elegant evening of hors d’ouvers and spirits at our Eleventh Annual Leadership Celebration. This two-hour, formal event will begin at 7pm on January 22nd at Silver Creek Country...
View ArticleSigEp Textbook Rental Service
SigEp National Announced a text-book rental program this year to benefit undergrads and help recruit new members with the promise of book-related cost-savings. The text of the release is below: The...
View ArticleLeadership Banquet Tonight @ Silver Creek
The menu has been finalized and the winners have been picked. Dan Corey will serve as Emcee and present the $1,000 Balanced Man Scholarship as well as the following awards: Red Door Award Presented in...
View ArticleTwo New Photo Galleries
The undergrad chapter has published two new photo galleries – see below or head to the Photos page to see the new additions. Carlson Leadership Academy Annual Leadership Ceremony
View Article3rd Annual Balanced Man Scholarship Golf Outing: April 17th
The third annual Sigma Phi Epsilon Balanced Man Scholarship Golf Outing will be taking place this year on Sunday, April 17th. It will be held again at the Bethlehem Municipal Golf Course on Illicks...
View ArticleMichael Facchiano’s Ruck Recap Press Release
Bethlehem, Pa. June 29, 2011— Moravian College student Michael Facchiano ’12 (Allentown, Pa.) has recently participated in a one-of-a-kind leadership development program through his fraternity, Sigma...
Please join us for the 2013 Leadership Ceremony and Balanced Man Scholarship Banquet for the presenation of the Balanced Man Scholarship and our traditional set of annual awards to our outstanding...
View ArticleMichael Guarino Wins BMS
The brothers and alumni board of Moravian College’s Sigma Phi Epsilon chapter recently named Michael Guarino ’17 the recipient of the “Balanced Man Scholarship.” The $1,000 scholarship is awarded...
View ArticleBanquet Recap
The annual awards banquet was a huge success with lots of fun and great attendance. Congratulations to the 2014 Undergrad Award recipients: Red Door: Tyler Merrick ’14 & Andrew Loehwing ’15...
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